Are Charity and Aid Hurting or Helping Africa?
A documentary and panel discussion
Excerpt from the documentary "What are We Doing Here: Why Western Aid Hasn't Helped Africa."
Panel: Dr. Tatah Mentan, political scientist and author of a number of essays and books on Africa , including Democratizing or Reconfiguring Autocracy? Myths and Realities in Africa Today, Michigan State University Press (2009) and Held Together by Pins: Liberal Democracy Under Siege in Africa, Africa World Press (2007).
Mr. Peter Kimeu, Regional Technical Advisor for Partnership, Solidarity & Justice, Catholic Relief Services -East Africa. Mr. Kimeu has worked with CRS Kenya/East Africa for 30 years.
7:00 - 8:00 pm, Monday, September 21Pellegrine Auditorium, St. John's University
Free and Open to the Public
For more information contact Dr. Ron Pagnucco